Conflict Resolution

Change of any kind can trigger conflict and problems with communication. When enterprises realign, accelerate in growth, or downsize, organizations often see negative behaviors surface.

Yet even when an organization is not undergoing major change, people problems regularly challenge managers. In today's highly competitive work environments, disagreements, stall tactics, personality clashes, gamesmanship, and competitive behaviors cause frustration and lost productivity.

If your group is experiencing such problems, we can teach you how to manage fears regarding change and conflict and create new ways for people to work together. You will see how conflict can become an opportunity for building bridges - by learning strategies for handling fear, transforming personal patterns, and working toward collaborative outcomes.

Case study in Conflict Resolution
Turning around a once successful practice that is faltering

Consulting Services
Conflict Resolution
Services Overview
Human Enterprise Development
Organizational Change
Conflict Resolution
Strategic Coaching
Collaborative Group Interventions
Case Studies
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