Organizational Change & Development
Transition from Outside Funding to Self-Funding

An association that has 75% of its budget provided by a major foundation is planning its transition to self-funded status. This small, highly successful, and respected "boutique" association needs to review its offerings since in the near future funding will come solely from constituent organizations.

A large-scale intervention is planned. It will include representatives of the association, and also representatives of current and potential community stakeholders. The goal is to rethink the association's niche, recognizing that some current popular offerings may not be viable given the new funding stream. Designing the large-scale intervention generates excitement on the planning team, which is composed of stakeholder groups.

The planning team's enthusiasm spreads to both the internal and external stakeholder groups. The day-long intervention event results in new opportunities, challenges and directions, fueled by group creativity. Resources within the organization that have previously been untapped will now be utilized. Enthusiasm continues to grow following the event.

The results of the day-long event prove so successful that the planning committee reconvenes to discuss mounting a full scale Future Search to more clearly delineate, explore, and strategize how the redesigned association could optimally fulfill its mission.

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